Honour Students

Honour Students
FEU LinkHere


Judge 1: Darrman

Gameplay: 5/10

The goal in Honour Students appears to be to capture the two targets and then seize the throne. The player units all have custom skills and items encouraging fast movement, in addition to a fifteen turn time limit. With conditional Galeforce prevelant, the fun in this entry is found in trying to activate it as much as possible to kill as many enemies as possible and to cover the most distance. Driving this on is having to chase down a hero with fifteen movement, which can be done with the multitude of movement options available.

However, the entry’s quite clearly rushed. The only direction given is in the status screen, cut off: “Capture targets and seize”. I captured the targets, but Hendrik, the nominal lord, could not seize the throne. Instead, Asthildr the cleric can seize. This is never indicated at any point. In addition, killing or dropping the capturable units crashes the game, forcing the chapter to be reset.

Presentation: 2/5

Most of the character portraits are fine, but a few are just vanilla palette swaps. The map also looks good. The map music is also good, though there’s no enemy phase map or battle music. The title screen music instruments get a bit loud, though the title screen itself is good. Unit blocks appearing out of thin air does look sloppy, however.

Story: 0/5

There is no dialogue in this entry at all. The character descriptions also need proofreading.

Total Score: 7/20

Judge 2: Rivian

Gameplay: 5/10

The gimmick here is a lot of ways to gain 2 actions per turn through skills or weapons. The prime example of this is the Glory Seeker lance with infinite galeforce, allowing its user to slay over a dozen enemies in one turn. There are also multiple objectives to tackle under a fairly tight timer, encouraging the player to really abuse these powerful tools.

The unfortunate situation is that the hack is unfinished due to time constraints. There is no dialogue to really convey what needs to be done, the long objective display is bugged, and defeating two of the bosses crashes the game. With some more time, I’m sure it would’ve been a great entry.

Presentation: 3/5

Quite good-looking portraits, map and palettes. Dragged down by lack of time for polish in correcting text overflow in UI and eventing.

Story: 0/5

There is no story.

Total Score: 8/20

Judge 3: Legend of Loog

Gameplay: 5/10

Honor Students is a little unclear in terms of what it actually wants you to do, as there is no start event and the objective text is cut off in the Status screen, but it’s essentially just a Seize map. The interesting part of the gameplay is primarily all the skills that your units have, with many of them allowing them to act again that turn. Along with various stat buffs from skills or certain weapons, this makes it very easy for your units to run over the enemies, outside of a couple boss level enemies who are a bit more of a challenge. If you’re asleep at the wheel, it’s definitely possible to lose a unit, but overall, it was a pretty quick and easy romp.

The main issue is that the primary objective “Capture/Seize” directly leads to a crash if you try capturing and dropping the hero boss who’s one of the targets, which forces a reset. There’s also some extraneous parts of the map that seem like they were meant to be something more, but didn’t work out due to presumable time constraints. With a little more polish, this could’ve been a very fun entry, but the aforementioned bugs and somewhat mindless stomping take away from it.

Presentation: 3/5

The graphics are generally solid, with some custom portraits in there as well. I liked the music overall, and the map itself looks pretty good with no notable deficiencies that I can see outside of no player palettes. Overall, no serious complaints.

Story: 0/5

No story here at all, so there’s nothing to comment on.

Total Score: 8/20

Judge 4: Levin64

Gameplay: 5/10

The player is given lots of kit to use here, mainly some Galeforce weapons that enable units to move twice a turn, and several weapons that grant bonus stats after defeating enemies. The objective seems to be to capture two persons and then seize the throne, yet due to time constraints, the objective is conveyed rather poorly. The long objective is bugged and overflowing on the status screen. Killing a capturable boss leads to an error that ends up to a reset.
There seems to be a grading system here, presumably on how well the objectives are being done. Yet again, due to time constraints, is being told to the player poorly; leaving them clueless, like I was when I was playing this. Still, it has some fun gameplay, and the combat feels good with big numbers and Galeforce occasionally popping up.

Presentation: 3/5

Great map, some great portraits (one portrait is just a vanilla recolor tho), and great music. The normal battle music sounds rather quiet at the start, but the rest is fine. The unit battle palettes are all on default palette, but I presume that’s due to time constraint.

Story: 0/5

Um, no story, so no bueno.

Total Score: 8/20



Grand Total: 31/80

20th Position Overall