Itadaki Street DS menu patch

It’s been a while since I made an actual post here. CELICA has come and gone (congratulations to Calculation Manipulation by Aura Wolf), I made my annual April Fool’s Day hack (Champion’s Revolt – yes, I read all of Hasha for research purposes), and it’s FEE3 preperation season. The only problem is I’ve a bit …

Competiton to Edit Levels Interestingly, Creatively, and Amazingly: CELICA

Annoucing the successor to MARTH: the Competiton to Edit Levels Interestingly, Creatively, and Amazingly, or CELICA for short. This is a chapter creation competiton in the vein of Ghast and Alusq’s Make A Fun Chapter series. This is intended to be a basic, no-frills contest. Prospective entrants will be challenged to make a quality chapter …

Make A Really Terrific Hack: MARTH

Announcing Make A Really Terrific Hack, or MARTH for short. This is a chapter creation competition in the vein of Ghast’s Make A Fun Chapter series. This is intended to be a basic, no-frills contest. Prospective entrants will be challenged to make a quality chapter based on three fields of skill: gameplay, graphics, and story. …

FEE3 2022: Cipher of Destruction

So a year has come and gone. My attention has largely been away from this website, but with the Cipher of Destruction FEE3 video I feel duty bound to mention something here. Here’s the FEE3 video. I won’t make a Cipher of Destruction page here until it gets a release, though I do plan …

Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters translation complete

I finished the translation of Yugioh Duel Monsters on the 18th of November, 2021. I’ve gotten around to creating and detailing its Chalphy Castle page: it can be found right here: It’s game time, everyone, and make sure to report any bugs you may find to me on RHDN. As an additional teaser of what …