Alright, it took a bit longer than anticipated, but I finally got the latest bug fix patch out.
FEE3 2024: War of Lovers v0.3
Itadaki Street DS menu patch
It’s been a while since I made an actual post here. CELICA has come and gone (congratulations to Calculation Manipulation by Aura Wolf), I made my annual April Fool’s Day hack (Champion’s Revolt – yes, I read all of Hasha for research purposes), and it’s FEE3 preperation season. The only problem is I’ve a bit of writer’s block, so I needed to do something else for a bit instead of re-reading the War of Lovers plot synopsis for the hundreth time. I got a cold, played through Dragon Warrior 3, booted up my Boom Street disc, got curious if there was a translation for the untranslated DS predecessor, found there wasn’t, and then disappeared down a rabbit hole for about a week or so.

So now I’ve made a fairly playable menu patch, doing about all I can do alone. If I knew Japanese, I’d identify the kanji and dump all of the text. But I don’t, and I’ve largely hit the limit of referring to Gamefaqs guides and referring to the Wii game. And a text dump without the kanji is a fairly useless text dump by all accounts. No point sitting on an unfinished thing, so have a release. Click here for the game page.
Maybe I’ll post something on this page before FEE3. Maybe I won’t. I don’t use this enough, which I say every time I post here.
Competiton to Edit Levels Interestingly, Creatively, and Amazingly: CELICA
Annoucing the successor to MARTH: the Competiton to Edit Levels Interestingly, Creatively, and Amazingly, or CELICA for short. This is a chapter creation competiton in the vein of Ghast and Alusq’s Make A Fun Chapter series. This is intended to be a basic, no-frills contest. Prospective entrants will be challenged to make a quality chapter based on three fields of skill: gameplay, presentation, and story.
Further information can be found on the Fire Emblem Universe thread.
Submissions will be documented and hosted here when the event is complete.
War of Lovers v0.21
Mostly a bugfix update, most importantly getting rid of the Marth animation hang.
Get the latest version here.
FEE3 2023: War of Lovers v0.2
It’s FEE3 day, and that means it’s time for a project update.
War of Lovers v0.2 is here. This update covers the first story arc. The download link here has been updated; the screenshots will be updated soon. Until next time.
Make A Really Terrific Hack: MARTH
Announcing Make A Really Terrific Hack, or MARTH for short. This is a chapter creation competition in the vein of Ghast’s Make A Fun Chapter series. This is intended to be a basic, no-frills contest. Prospective entrants will be challenged to make a quality chapter based on three fields of skill: gameplay, graphics, and story.
The rules and further submission details can be found in the FEU thread, linked below.
Submissions will be documented and hosted here when the contest is done.
FEE3 2022: Cipher of Destruction
So a year has come and gone. My attention has largely been away from this website, but with the Cipher of Destruction FEE3 video I feel duty bound to mention something here.
Here’s the FEE3 video. I won’t make a Cipher of Destruction page here until it gets a release, though I do plan to host a guide here when the time comes. Here’s the FEU link in the meantime.
In other news, I spent a bit of time cleaning up unlinked projects and most of them should now at least have placeholder pages. I’ve also made a few contest chapters (Evening Train Crash 2 will get a page soon) and if you peek at my Github you’ll find a menu patch for Yugioh: Monster Capsule GB. That’s very much preliminary and the page will come once I get around to dumping all the text and start to look for a proper translator.
That should be about everything; I don’t really have all that much to talk about.
Until next time – and hopefully next time won’t be in a year.
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters translation complete

I finished the translation of Yugioh Duel Monsters on the 18th of November, 2021. I’ve gotten around to creating and detailing its Chalphy Castle page: it can be found right here:
It’s game time, everyone, and make sure to report any bugs you may find to me on RHDN. As an additional teaser of what I’ve been up to since finishing off DM1, have this screenshot.

If anything greater comes of this experimentation, I will post things here.
Until next time, everyone.
With the FEE3 presentation comes the launch of this website. It’s far from complete, and I wouldn’t say it looks particularly good. But it’s up on the internet, and that’s what matters. Feel free to browse the pages that have been completed.
The concept
I’ve always had the idea of owning a website in my head, and I’ve done things such as build a draft Fire Emblem romhacking wiki before. But said wiki was entirely offline, not to mention the sheer quantity of hacks to catalogue. Hence, I’ve since moved towards my own efforts, which are spread out fairly broadly across the internet. So I felt like centralising them all on one website. Of course, I’ll still post on places like Fire Emblem Universe and Romhacking dot net. This thing began basically on a whim one day towards the end of May 2021 when I started looking into web hosting. Then I bought some and started building a website. I’ve been on-and-off with it over the past few months.
I’ve had plenty of other ideas for things to put on here, since a website dedicated just to my projects seems a bit self-centred. Since I like Fire Emblem, why not compare Fire Emblem? There’s three different versions of Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light, for goodness sake. Then there’s two versions of Mystery of the Emblem. There’s room to compare the many fan translations too.
Website updates
During the off time, I’ve been working on a few projects, but mainly just doing nothing but watch television. Don’t expect a regular update schedule. Anyone who’s in on romhacking should know that motivation ebbs and flows. One day I’d write up three pages, then I wouldn’t even look at the place for a month. Like my hacks, assume an “it’s when it’s done” stance. Do not beg me for updates, and do not complain about any terminology used. If you do, I will ignore you.
One nice thing is that I can just direct all of my hack downloads to here. I won’t be scrapping any pre-existing Dropbox or Github downloads, since there’s absolutely no reason for me to. But new hacks? They’re going to be uploaded to this website. Dropbox links for older projects will be replaced with links to here when they’re updated, most likely. What matters at the end of the day is that the downloads function, ideally without the whims of file hosting websites.
That should be about everything. All going well, I’ll be seeing you for some project update sooner or later.
And for the record, here’s the FEE3 video.